MB Diagnostic

MB Diagnostic

Hospital Road, Ward No-5, Amguri, Assam 785680, India

Ratings7 reviews4.2

About MB Diagnostic

MB Diagnostic is Medical diagnostic imaging center in Amguri, India. You can find contact details, reviews, address here. MB Diagnostic is located at Hospital Road, Ward No-5, Amguri, Assam 785680, India. They are 4.2 rated Medical diagnostic imaging center in Amguri, India with 7 reviews.

MB Diagnostic is located at Hospital Road, Ward No., Amguri Town,AssamIrrespective of its low profile set up, authenticity of report, belief of patients and referring Clinicians above all due to grace of the Almighty, it slowly progressed to its present form of a large reference Pathology Laboratory having all types of state of art modern analyzers for Hematology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Hormones, Tumor markers, and Urine analysis. Besides clinical pathology set up, it caters to a good number of cases for Histopathology, FNAC, exfoliative Cytology, specially Pap Smears. Both internal and external quality controls are run to maintain quality reporting.

MB Diagnostic Timings

Looking to visit MB Diagnostic at Hospital Road, Ward No-5, Amguri, Assam 785680, India? Consider checking the weekdays schedule timings before going.

Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Closed
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
4.2 Ratings Based on 7 reviews

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